Getting Started
When you’re ready to meet with an advisor to discuss your goals in detail and develop a specific strategy to achieve them, please contact us to schedule an appointment.
We have provided a list of documents we routinely review. Please provide as many as these documents as possible (some documents may not be applicable to each client’s unique circumstances).
Current brokerage statements
Current mutual fund statements
Current bank account statements (including CDs and money markets)
Current Direct Participation Program (DPP) statements, including REITs,
and limited partnerships -
Mortgage statements and terms of mortgage
Photo ID (current driver license, military ID, or passport)
Any/all company retirement plan statements, including 401(k),403(b), 457, profit sharing, Keogh and pension plans
IRA statements (Traditional, Rollover, Roth and SEP)
Stock option agreements
Restricted stock agreements
Deferred compensation plan information
Current employee benefits handbook
Tax Information
Past 2 years tax returns (including all schedules) and W-2s
Current year tax estimates
Gift tax returns filed since 1976
2 current pay stubs for each worker
Financial records/tax returns from business interest(s)
Current wills for both spouses
Current will for other family members
Trust documents and information
Power of Attorney
Living Wills
Information on potential inheritance
Information on family member with special needs
Life insurance policies
Long-term care policies
Disability insurance policies